I joined ECHO after graduating high school in 2016. I wanted to learn from some excellent teachers and mentors as I listened to what God’s plan for my future would be.

During my time I learned leadership and pastoral skills, Biblical history and fundamentals, evangelism techniques, gained youth and family ministry experience, and I participated in a month-long mission trip in England and Ireland where I got to put my education to further use.

ECHO taught me countless life lessons and helped mould me into the man I am today. I now work for a religious not-for-profit organization where I can help build the next generation of Christian leaders, and I can confidently say I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in without ECHO!

— Tanner H, Former Echo Program Student

The Echo internship was more than a typical internship. I learned so much about youth ministry and gained valuable experience. Through retreats, a camping excursion and our month-long mission trip to England and Ireland, I was stretched and pulled in ways I had never imagined. These new and challenging experiences brought me so much closer to Christ and I still keep them with me to this day.

The leadership team in ECHO poured so much time and energy into teaching and nurturing us to be better leaders and better Christ-followers. I have continued to use my experience in ECHO to serve the youth I work with and help guide them in their relationship with Christ.

— Kimberlee M, Former Echo Program Student